Entry Level 3 Maths – Portfolio Record
Number skills and rounding
Read and write in both word and numerical form large numbers (up to 1000) and small numbers.
Understand place value in large (up to one 1000) and small numbers.
Order and/or compare positive numbers given as whole numbers.
Add and subtract using three-digit whole numbers.
Divide three-digit whole numbers by single-and double-digit whole numbers and express remainders.
Multiply two-digit whole numbers by single and double-digit whole numbers.
Approximate by rounding numbers less than 1000 to the nearest 10 or 100 and use this rounded answer to check results.
Recognise and continue linear sequences of numbers up to 100
Read, write and understand thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths, including equivalent forms.
Find the fraction of a shape shaded.
Order a n d compare common fractions
Simplify fractions to their simplest form.
Find equivalent fractions
Calculate fractions of whole number quantities or measurements.
Read, write and use decimals up to two decimal places.
Recognise and continue sequences that involve decimals.
Compare measures of capacity including millimetres and litres.
Know how to read a thermometer and understand that temperature can be measured on different scales.
Know which instruments are appropriate for measuring units of mass and length
Understand and use positional vocabulary, e.g. on the left, on the right, above, below, behind, etc.
Understand the 8 points of a compass, and use this to identify locations of objects.
Collecting and Representing Data
Use a scale to extract numerical values
Use a list, table, diagram or charts to find information.
Create a tally chart based on a data set.
Create a frequency table from a data set and tally chart.
Interpret information, to make comparisons and record changes, from different formats including bar charts and simple line graphs.
Construct and label simple line graphs.
Construct and label a pictogram based on a data set.
Construct and label a bar chart and understand the features of this chart.
Interpret information, to make comparisons and record changes, from different formats including bar charts and simple line graphs
- 1 Section
- 0 Lessons
- 10 Weeks
- Addition & Subtraction2